Monday, 24 November 2014



  1. Prophecy of Rainbow Warrior

    Country's tribes called "Cree", "Arctic north" in Canada's largest native group thought the vast land that leads to the "west Canadian Rockies," "east Atlantic coast," said their country, other I've lived segregation in peace and to "all living things."
    The current UN admits "geopolitical / politics" basis country, mostly Canada, some of which are incorporated into Montana United States. In linguistics, to belong to the "Algonquian", and is divided into five dialect.

    One of the women called "Eyes of Fire" was in the old days Cree countries.
    From she grew old, I left one of the prophecy.
    Prophecy "near future, due to / Yo Ne Gi" in the words of white greed "clean, fish died in the river, fell birds from the sky, darkening the earth on all water, tree There is not growing at all, when the very survival of humanity is at stake, and patron in order to recover the health that we lost again, legends and stories passed down from ancient times, a habit that has been transmitted from the ancient, such as all rituals and mythology to tribe when that those who are required to come.
    The person who holds the key to humanity survival, eventually become known as the "Rainbow Warrior".
    Children responsible for the next generation, to give a role as a warrior of the rainbow, and teach the importance of that patron culture transmitted from ancient heritage, the ancestral wisdom.
    Similar prophecy is left to the various native tribes such as the Hopi and Mayan North American continent.
